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May 26, 2024

Catching up with the Nestor's!

Got to spend a nice afternoon and evening catching up with fellow Yank, Elizabeth Nestor and her husband Kevin who moved back to his hometown of Mayo Abbey, after 20+ years in the states. I worked with Elizabeth on and off, over the last 30 years, in Philadelphia.  We stay in touch thru a group text, Heard Immunity with about 10 others, all with the common denominator of Turner Construction. Elizabeth and Kevin have been married 20 years, and I found out that Kevin knew my relations the Keane's, back when we first met. In fact, his cousins live right next door to them and his brother does business with them regularly! Such a small world! Kevin & Elizabeth moved to Mayo Abbey right before Covid and have been busy renovating their home and settling in.  It was great to catch up, share the gossip on all those we know in common and give them the details of my ship and the upcoming adventure. I hope they can truly join me for some segment in the future! 
By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 2, 2025
Today we spent on the water. We had signed up for a beach and snorkel trip yesterday and had to move to today because we had tender issues into the port and missed the start time. Today was also looking bleak but the charter waited for us and even sent their tender over to our delayed shuttle and rescued us off so we could join the group waiting for us! It was a fun day, swimming and snorkeling over 4 different beach locations. The water, drinks and sunshine were all great fun!
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