June 25, 2024
Anyone who knows me can attest that I have no aptitude for foreign languages. The other night, while half heartly watching the German commentators after Game 3, I remarked to Tom and Stephan how many times they used English words while speaking. This lead to a whole conversation about how many words in the English language are copied from German. The first one they took credit for was Kindergarten, I never thought about that one. Gesundheit, I agreed was more common but I had no idea how to spell and don't hear it used all that often these days. Noodle, was also claimed by Stephan, but I thought he was stretching things now. Foods that are German origin like Bratwurst, Strudel, Gingerbread, Schnitzel, Sauerkraut and Pilsner Lager I wouldn't count in the list. But I didn't think Hamburger ( even though I am in Hamburg, where it was supposedly invented) and now that I think about, is a major item on most menus I have seen here, was of German descent. Other's that are have German roots are Frankfurter, Weiner, Pumpernickel, Bundt Cake, Delicatessen, Pretzel, Foosball and they are even claiming Seltzer and Gummy Bears!