October 21, 2024
Dear readers - Not sure if you noticed, but I often go back into posted blogs and clean up some grammar or spelling and sometimes add a picture I may have overlooked at initial posting. I haven't found a way to alert you to these changes, and I am disappointed that my platform does not support a comment section where I can hear from you instantly. I DO LOVE WHEN YOU SEND ME PRIVATE NOTES AND QUESTIONS - so please keep them coming - so I just don't hear crickets!! My email is ocbeach@comcast.net or whatsapp or text me. All 3 work great. I had thought about coping some post to Facebook - but honestly it is so much work to get these blogs up promptly, that idea may have to wait until we get a stretch of sea days - which isn't often and those get filled with pickleball and spa time and movies and all kinds of other ship activities! Socializing and game playing - you no what a wall flower I am!! Oh, and remember I am still working!!! Logging 10 to 13 hours weekly to date.
Above is a group, shot not on my camera, that I just got of the fun people I went to the Blue City with on Friday 10/18/24. From the front to the back, and from the Left to the right - we are: Cris and Shirene; Andy and Paul ( who attempted to herd the group together), Amy, Karen, Myself & Joy ( who was celebrating her 47 birthday) , tucked behind myself and Joy is Cindy; then back row is Maura, Basia & Alicia ( married to Gary) and Jim is last one, all the way in the back. All of us, except Andy and Alicia are solo travelers. I know 5 or 6 are mom's and divorced, but not sure about rest. Still getting to know everybody's stories! Mix of owners and segment buyers, but most on for a full circumnavigation. Ages range from 47 to mid seventies ? Believe Cris oldest here.