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November 25, 2024

Guadeloupe - today we went for a chill day on the beach!

We were in a taxi van headed to St Anne's area from the port and our driver wanted to pick up more people to fill the van. The 2 we added were Robert and Fred from our ship, who were going to a hotel to use a day pass they offered - 60 Euro for use of beach pool and facilities and it included hot & cold buffet lunch with cocktails. Hotel was lovely when we pulled up and secluded beach & pool lovely - so we changed plans and joined in. Robert, who is a wealth investor in our Ship, ended up paying for all 6 of us and we had a very nice day just relaxing. Rod, Fred & Robert bonded over cars and music discussions. Us ladies just chilled! A good day!

By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 2, 2025
Today we spent on the water. We had signed up for a beach and snorkel trip yesterday and had to move to today because we had tender issues into the port and missed the start time. Today was also looking bleak but the charter waited for us and even sent their tender over to our delayed shuttle and rescued us off so we could join the group waiting for us! It was a fun day, swimming and snorkeling over 4 different beach locations. The water, drinks and sunshine were all great fun!
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