June 14, 2024
Today we caught up and took a nice long walk through his neighborhood of Eimsbuttel, one of the 7 boroughs that makes up Hamburg. He is in a great location within a block of the subway and railway lines and this new impressive 2 story bike storage is right outside the subway stop. There are tons of shops, restaurants and cafes and a lot of people out enjoying the nice weather. Most of the housing in this area is apartments & condo's that have little to no, outside space. There are tons of parks, a zoo and a whole area of private garden spaces, called Schrebergartens that have long wait list to buy or rent from the city. They create this huge green area for all with lots of bike and walking trails, right in the city. The gardens are all divided by hedges and have Indvidual little entry gates, and many have elaborate gardens and cottage building that they can hang out in and enjoy nature. There was also a lot of German proud flags flying today, as tonight was the first EU Football match between Germany & Scotland (they won!!) Tom and I toasting Germany!