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November 19, 2024

MARTINIQUE, Part of French West Indies.

View of harbor and Cathedral from the SHIP. We were docked at capital city, Fort de France and rented a car from nearby Airport to explore the island. The nicest beach was stated to be at far southern end of island called Pointe des Salines, from which you can see St Lucia. Drive took a little over an hour - windy roads with not much to see on the island interior - 3 McDonalds, 1 Burger King, 2 Carrefours, etc., a lot of albino cows / steer and alot of cars on the road. Southern end of island has much fancier resort type homes. A lot of French families at beach, was topless and had good number of vendors for clothing and food. We relaxed here for couple of hours. Sand was super soft and could walk right into water. The water was not as clear as St Lucia, a lot of sea grass floating in water.

After Lunch we hugged the coast roads and traveled thru Sainte Anne, Le Marin, Sainte Luce to Le Diamant - it was raining, sometimes heavily and we stopped for brief looks and scenic overlook of Diamond rock rising out of ocean next to pitons. Then we cut across to Les Trois Ilets, which is where ferry ride from Fort de France would take us. Wanted to see if we wanted to return next day.

Last ferry had already stopped at by 5pm, and we had another hour plus drive back to airport, then a car rental shuttle to airport grounds to a taxicab cue and then finally a ride back to Ship. We got back to port after dark, got quick showers and made dinner by a little after 7pm! Lovely day and evening, Ship looked so nice in harbor & there was a nice breeze too. Ahhhh!

By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 2, 2025
Today we spent on the water. We had signed up for a beach and snorkel trip yesterday and had to move to today because we had tender issues into the port and missed the start time. Today was also looking bleak but the charter waited for us and even sent their tender over to our delayed shuttle and rescued us off so we could join the group waiting for us! It was a fun day, swimming and snorkeling over 4 different beach locations. The water, drinks and sunshine were all great fun!
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