December 28, 2024
This class was so fun and missed by quite a few enthusiastic friends, that they asked me to teach again. So, I solicited a few key helpers, and we did round two! We had a couple who were paper folding challenged. They didn't like it when I crumbled their first efforts up and gave them a new sheet of paper to start over, but we worked through it!!! Lots of Laughs!!!
Class participants left to right, bottom row: Clare, Kelly, Delia and Tom.
Back Row: Cindy, Angel, Me, Jimbo, Wendy, Lauren, Terry, Christy and Gary.
Note: I asked the group if I could hold onto some of their trees until later that night, to use in my room as decorations for the Christmas Cabin Crawl, and they said I was just using them for cheap labor, and they were going to unionize!