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November 9, 2024

Santiago Island, Cape Verde - Tarrafal Beach

Our group of 8 - shown here left to right is NAME (prior career) - MEMO (lawyer), CYNDI (healthcare), Me, DEBORAH(yellow page sales), DAVID(anesthesiologist), KAREN(seamstress, retail sales), HOLLY (Realtor) and WENDY(interior designer) was the perfect mix to spend such a wonderful day with. Love when that works outs! I really enjoy all their personalities and insights! Memo at 50 is the youngest with Holly, Deborah and Cyndi in their mid-seventies. The rest of us are all in our 60's. Sadly just David, Holly & I are on for full ride. Others are varying lengths of segment travelers.

The beach area was really nice, and we had a little over 2 hours to enjoy a swim and have lunch at the restaurant right on the waterfront. The tour kept private restrooms locked up for us to change into our swimsuits. I had an idyllic swim with the others until it was time to head a shore for our lunch order at 2 pm. The shoreline had large rocks lining its edge and when I floated in, I stubbed my toe rather hard. I was trying to find firm footing, when I got knocked over by a wave and when a second wave hit right after, I tumbled forward landing in the sand. A third wave had me sprawled on the beach and laughing hard! I knew it wasn't pretty! When I finally stood up, I knew my bathing suit bottoms were hanging low and was making fast work to yank them into place. David was trying to get to me to help and started yelling "check yourself"! After he yelled that twice I hear him yell, "BOOB"! I look down and see one Boob fully out and this sends me into more giggles! Sand is everywhere! I brushed out my hair, wiped away what I can and wrap the towel around my waist. Then I walk into the restaurant, like nothing has occurred!!  Thankfully only Karen & David saw the show live, the other 5 just hear the replay! Oh my! What's a girl to do! I'm sure it won't be the last time I embarrass myself.  The restaurant had a female troop of singers and bootie shaking dancers performing while we dined. A fun afternoon was had by all.

After Lunch we headed back along the east coast road of the Island. Had a stop for fresh coconut water and some scenic overlooks. The Cape Verde flag has 2 sections of blue for the sky and ocean, 10 stars for 10 islands, white for peace and red to remember blood shed over slavery.

One thing of interest we saw all over the island, is that most homes and businesses only finish the front façades of the building - leaving exposed cement masonry units cmu on other 3 sides and a lot don't even finish full front façade. This is also true of interiors.

By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 2, 2025
Today we spent on the water. We had signed up for a beach and snorkel trip yesterday and had to move to today because we had tender issues into the port and missed the start time. Today was also looking bleak but the charter waited for us and even sent their tender over to our delayed shuttle and rescued us off so we could join the group waiting for us! It was a fun day, swimming and snorkeling over 4 different beach locations. The water, drinks and sunshine were all great fun!
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