June 20, 2024
Today we had to do some exercise to work off the bakery treats, so we soaked up the sunshine, while biking into the Hamburg Woods. Tom hooked me up with a bike, complete with a basket and off we peddled. Hamburg has very well designated, wide bike lanes all over. Biking is a major method of transport, all around the city. Today's trek was truly something out of Hansel & Gretel. We rode through this neighborhood filled with A frame cottages and perfect little gardens. I need to go back, just to get pictures. But today we were all about the cycling. It wasn't until we got deep into the Woods, that we dismounted and strolled some. It looks like they kind of groom the forest floor, by gathering up the underbrush and placing it in dug out, random pits placed throughout. Guessing it would help contain any fires?