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May 14, 2024

12/1/23 Will the third time be the charm?

Some would think the story should end after the horrific crash and burn of Life at Sea by Miray. I was devastated! Above was the day my boxes came back from the port in Florida, right before Christmas! Some of the contents were crushed and damaged. As were my dreams!  I quickly rented a condo in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico for the month of January and worked out a house-sitting gig with friends in Florida for February and March. I also booked, fully refundable reservations, for two trips with Oversea Adventures to Portugal in May 2024 and Japan in 2025. All in an effort to soothe my fractured travel dream.

But alas, I heard about one other company who was trying their hands at an affordable Residential Cruise Ship. I apprehensively decided to try one final time, to make this dream travel plan a reality. This time I am pinning my hopes on a new American company out of Florida, cruise capital of the world. It's a husband and wife CEO /COO couple who have both worked in the industry for years and it turns out that they were involved with both Storylines and Life at Sea, as partial joint ventures, but severed both those relationships when they saw problems, with both firms, early on. There company is Villa Vie Residences (VVR), and their concept too, is to purchase an existing mid size cruise ship and retrofit it for residential living before setting sail May 15, 2024 from Southampton, England. 

VVR's sales model is a little different than the other two failed enterprises. You can buy your unit on the Ship upfront for 15 years ( the anticipated remaining life of the ship) or you can just buy the segments of travel you are interested in. There are 17 segments, that make up the full 3.5 year circumnavigation of the World. The segments are geographical based - so you can focus on only those that appeal to you or the time period, as they vary in length.  As an owner you can rent out your unit when you are not using, either thru VVR or on your own, like an Airbnb, or even exchange it through a House Share program. If you do segments, you pay as you go.

Needless to say, I proceeded cautiously to evaluate the options and signed a non disclosure agreement in December, to be able to have my financial advisor review along with me all the company specifics.  After careful consideration, I have chosen to purchase a unit, a balcony cabin, in the middle of the ship, on the starboard side of deck 6. Unit 6065 and am again preparing to pack it all up and trust that this third time will truly be the winner! 
By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 4, 2025
By Patricia Patrick March 2, 2025
Today we spent on the water. We had signed up for a beach and snorkel trip yesterday and had to move to today because we had tender issues into the port and missed the start time. Today was also looking bleak but the charter waited for us and even sent their tender over to our delayed shuttle and rescued us off so we could join the group waiting for us! It was a fun day, swimming and snorkeling over 4 different beach locations. The water, drinks and sunshine were all great fun!
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