October 4, 2024
WOW this week has been a whirlwind! BUT ALL GOOD!!! My LONG awaited adventure is finally starting! As I type, we are sailing at a brisk pace to Brest, France. We should be there around midnight.
Here's a brief recap of how we got here. I know many of you have seen the endless Media, that has had all kinds of things to say!
Monday, all us Duckies (nickname of cruisers!) met at the Belfast Cruise terminal, in the late afternoon. There was almost as much press there, as the roughly 100 residents, waiting to embark. After a few false starts and trepidation, we got the clearance, all erupted in joy, cheers and hugs and we were onboard the Ship by 9 pm. They greeted us with champagne and snacks. We put our carry on luggage in our cabins and had our first safety drill. Then dinner and dancing and we sailed away from Belfast at 11pm.
Turns out we didn't go far - sailed maybe 1 or 2 hours and then we dropped anchor in Belfast Lough ( Bay that leads out to the North Channel, between Ireland and Scotland) . We then stayed anchored there, until yesterday afternoon. When we finally got whatever paperwork we needed to finally leave for real! Four Horn blast went off around 4 pm, the engines fired up and we were FINALLY OFF ON OUR TRUE ODYSSEY!! More partying ensued and at first, they told us, we had to get to a close-by Port, for fuel and potable water, so we thought we were going to Scotland. The Captain then calculated we could make it to France with the fuel we had and so they steered the Ship south out of the Lough and off to France we headed. Residents agreed to drink more alcohol than water!
To be more environmental conscious, it is now done with a biodegradable, confetti filled bottle.